For example, contrast-standard and Contrast-Standard are the same qualifier. Qualifier names and qualifier values are not case sensitive. So, for high contrast, the set of qualifiers is contrast-standard, contrast-high, contrast-black, and contrast-white. contrast-standard is an example of a qualifier. You combine a qualifier name with a qualifier value to form a qualifier. Here are the qualifier name and qualifier values for contrast. Qualifier name, qualifier value, and qualifierĪ qualifier name is a key that maps to a set of qualifier values. For example, you may want your app to load a different set of image assets in high contrast mode.įor more info about the value proposition of localizing your app, see Globalization and localization. The way you do this is to name your resources’ folders or files to match the qualifier names and qualifier values that correspond to those contexts. Your app can load assets and resources that are tailored to runtime contexts such as display language, high contrast, display scale factor, and many others.
See ResourceContext.QualifierValues for a reference table of all the possible qualifier values. This topic explains the general concept of resource qualifiers, how to use them, and the purpose of each of the qualifier names.